Lab Armor Beads

Category Bead Baths Accessories
Manufacturer Lab Armor
Median product fulfillment time 2 business days

Lab Armor Beads are small, dry, metallic, thermal beads designed to replace water in laboratory water baths and ice in ice buckets.


  • Compatible with most standard six to eight inch-deep water baths and many other constant temperature laboratory baths.
  • Compatible with a broad temperature range for use in incubators, ovens, refrigerators, and freezers. For best performance, use Lab Armor Beads at an operating temperature from -80°C to 180°C. Product fluidity may be reduced at temperatures above 180°C.
  • Transfers dry heat and cold with high efficiency to warm, thaw, incubate, and chill samples at constant temperatures.
  • Accepts and supports any size and shape vessel, including 96 well plates, Petri dishes, and other non-water-tight vessels.
  • Stays clean and disinfects easily.


Stays Clean: protected from water-borne contamination. Reduce the risk of contamination, achieve reproducible results.

Stays Organized: Unlike water baths that require racks, floats, and bottleneck weights, Bead Bath naturally holds things in place without accessories.

Saves Time: The bath always stays on, so you don’t have to plan around warmup times. You don’t need to worry about burnout either because there is no water to evaporate.


Highly recyclable. The Beads are formed from solid recyclable metal. The material is very desirable to recyclers, which means the raw material used in Lab Armor® Beads can be reused in other products.

More Energy-efficient. Beads can transform a water bath into a smarter instrument that uses less electricity. For instance, water constantly evaporates during water bath operation. As water evaporates it cools. Due to this evaporative-cooling effect, the bath must heat more frequently, which increases energy consumption. A bead bath uses over 4X less energy when set to 65 ºC and over 2X less energy at 37 ºC. Plus, a bead bath provides more constant temperature and fewer temperature fluxuations during operation than a water bath.

No Gray Water: Lab Armor has worked hard to eliminate the need for many of the germicides that are a common part of water bath maintenance. Bead Baths are dry and periodic decontamination with a biodegadable, earth-friendly disinfectant, such as 70% EtOH is usually all that is required to keep most unwanted microbes away.


Lab Armor Bead Bath vs. Water Bath

  Bead Bath Water Bath Oil Bath Sand Bath
High Thermal Efficiency Yes Yes Yes No
Microbial/Biofilm Resistant Yes No Yes Yes
Cross-contamination Resistant Yes No No No
Minimal Cleaning Yes No No Yes
No Refilling Yes No No Yes
Rack & Accessory Free Yes No No Yes
Angled Incubation Possible Yes No No Yes
Constant Volume Yes No Yes Yes
Non-Corrosive Yes No No Yes
Broad Temperature Range (-80 to 180C) Yes No Yes Yes
Non-water tight Vessel Compatibility Yes No No Yes
No Evaporation (Instrument Burn-Out Protection) Yes No Yes Yes
Always On (No Warm Up) Yes No No Yes
Mobile or Field Use Compatible Yes No No No
Non-combustible Yes Yes No Yes
$85 USD ... $905 USD

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